2 Ways To Improve Air Quality + Reduce Spread of Viruses in Child Care Centers

small solutions offer to Improve Air Quality + Reduce Spread of Viruses in Child Care Centers

A recent survey found that  63% of families are uncomfortable sending their children back to day care. Fielded by Care.com of over 2,000 U.S. parents with children under the age of 16 who pay for child care.

Many families rely on child care in order to be able to go to work, but it can be a tough call to determine how risky it is to send children to school and day care.

For child care center owners and managers, there are 2 ways you can help to improve the air quality of your facility and reduce the spread of virus or illness:

There are many options within those two categories to fit your needs with budget, size and number of kids.

The first step is simply knowing what’s on the market and the features that would enhance what you have. We can easily save you time in researching…give us a call to discover how elaborate or simple a new solution can be.

How To Improve The Air Quality of Your Church During COVID-19

small solutions help Improve The Air Quality of Your Church During COVID-19

As our society adapts with a global pandemic, many churches, businesses, restaurants and retail stores are attempting to make it safe for people to return. We’re going out of our way now to understand how to live while remaining socially distanced.

One of the key points of focus for returning to “normal life” in some way has been with returning to places of worship.

Most churches are not naturally suited to prevent the spread of a virus, but can evolve to be able to be safer. One way a church can make a big step to do that, besides keeping people socially distanced and providing cleaning supplies, is by updating the air quality with a better filtration system. Another way is to upgrade the HVAC system in the facility, as more modern varieties include enhanced air quality features.

Viruses, bacteria, allergens, dust motes, gasses and other contaminants can circulate inside, creating breathing hazards and bad odors. The most well-insulated facilities, unfortunately, tend to trap odors, pollen and other contaminants within their airtight walls due to a lack of airflow most commonly found in older homes.

Air filters capture and remove contaminants that trigger allergy and asthma symptoms, spread illness and impact air quality.

There are several types of common filters.

  • HEPA filters—remove 99.97 percent of pollution; often seen in hospitals.
  • Media air cleaners—up to 40 times more efficient than a standard air filter.
  • Electronic air cleaners—uses electrically charged, washable filters to lower pollutants.
  • Standard air filters.

A more enhanced option would be UV Light Systems. These systems give off high-intensity UV rays to eliminate bacteria, mold and viruses. The light can clean your home’s air, ductwork and heating/cooling equipment. And shrink the concentration of airborne microorganisms by 50 percent within as little as 45 minutes.


Small Solutions HVAC Services Technician Training

Small Solution provide HVAC Services Technician Training to serve our clients better

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1569147354692{margin-bottom: 0px !important;}”]We use models in-house to train our hvac services technician on the various types of systems so they can show up to residential jobs with efficiency and effectiveness.

If you have a question about your HVAC system and the best tips, solutions or options, please give us a call at (540) 425-3479. We can help guide you or explain features or help you determine what’s best for your living space.

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Is a Sanuvox Air Filter a good fit for your home?

Sanuvox air filter

We seal our homes and buildings tightly to save energy, but a downside to this is not being able to filter enough fresh outside air to lower the concentrations of biological & chemical contaminants like viruses, bacteria, mold, chemicals, VOCs, fumes and odors To improve indoor air quality we should install air filter.

Many of us use filters in our home’s ventilation system to remove harmful particulates from the air. Biological and chemical contaminants such as mold, bacteria, viruses, allergens, cooking and pet odors, cigarette smoke, and a host of other airborne pollutants are so small that they pass through even the highest efficiency filters like sand through a tennis racket.

The UVC (254 nm) and UVV (187 nm) light produced by Sanuvox UV Systems are the same two UV wavelengths produced by the Sun. The UVC wavelength attacks the microorganism on a molecular level deactivating and destroying the contaminant while the UVV wavelength oxidizes the chemicals and odors into odorless inoffensive by-products. Unlike conventional UV “stick lights” on the market, Sanuvox UV Air Filtration Systems uses a patented process designed to deliver the maximum UV dosage to the moving air.

With a 3 year Lamp life, the proprietary 18” high-intensity UV ‘J’ Lamp has all the advantages of having the intensity of two UV Lamps with the replacement cost of only one. The combination UVC & UVV wavelengths incorporated into one Lamp make biological, chemical and odor destruction possible.

We’re certified Sanuvox air filter installers and have worked with their products for years. Many of our customers tell us how much they like the systems for their performance, durability and lower cost over the long run.

Ask us about the Sanuvox products if you’re considering options for improving the air quality in your home.

See our installation of a Mitsubishi Ductless Cooling & Heating system

Mitsubishi Ductless

Mitsubishi Ductless Cooling and Heating systems focus on individual living spaces rather than treating every room the same. As a result, the system is more customizable, more energy efficient and easier to install in your home.

For decades, split-zoning air-conditioning and heat pump systems have been the quiet solution for Cooling & Heating problems around the world. These quiet and powerful systems have three main components: an indoor unit, outdoor unit, and remote controller.

Installation is as simple as mounting the indoor and outdoor units, connecting the refrigerant lines, and making a few electrical connections.
This shows our team working together to complete an installation. Typically, it takes 4-6 hours from start to finish.

We serve the Northern Virginia and Shenandoah Valley area; if you’re considering changing the HVAC system in your home, give us a call or drop a note to get your questions answered.


So many things are better with age, but…

8yr Old Child

The taste of fine, 10-year old wine, or a beautifully aged cheddar…or your cute kid: all get even better with age. But not your air ducts, your dryer vents, or your air filters! Eek.

Stop breathing dust, allergens, mildew, pet dander, dust mites, smoke residue, construction debris, dirt and other irritants in your home. The dust in your ducts can cause a variety of issues for your family. On average, we spend 60-90% of our time inside our home.

Ductwork and air quality is rarely thought about because it’s out of sight. Over time, dust, dust mites, skin cells, dead animals, pet hair and dander and debris build up in your ducts. This air is then circulated throughout your home ever time you turn on your air or heating system.

If you or your family members notice frequent colds, allergies, asthma flare ups, bronchitis or other respiratory issues, cleaning your ducts could dramatically improve that. At Small Solutions, we focus on air purification, HVAC maintenance and repair and duct cleaning in the northern Virginia area. We’re locally owned and operated, and have been named the friendliest HVAC company to work with in the area. Give us a call today for a free estimate and get your ducks ducts cleaned!